
Why is it that people who are in true recovery from alcohol and drug addiction seem to be some of the best examples of how to live life the right way?

Saturday, March 20, 2010

KB comment sent to me

Saw your blog post on King Baby - excellent. I was exposed to this at my very 1st rehab. I have shared many times over the years about this analysis. I always summarize King Baby as "addicts are people who never outgrew the total self-centered of the child". Unfortunately, since it is not currently incorporated in most 12 step fellowship literature, many addicts and alcholics haven't had the benefit of this information. I appreciate that you do not support any specific 12 step fellowship as I believe at the end of the day there is only one true membership and this is "Anonymous". One disease, one program for recovery. The 12 steps and the support necessary to maintain the path. Thanks for posting!

1 comment:

  1. It is true, I do not follow any specific 12 step fellowship. I actually have many problems with fellowships that talk about open-mindedness, but yet close many doors on "outside" ideas. Whenever I share, I talk about what has worked FOR ME. I have never told anyone how they have to find recovery. I do not lecture or preach, which many seem to want to do.
