
Why is it that people who are in true recovery from alcohol and drug addiction seem to be some of the best examples of how to live life the right way?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

KB part 2

KING BABY by Tom Cunningham
First published July, 1986.
Copyright © 1986, Hazelden Foundation.
(part 2)

In attempting to regain the security of infancy, King Babies continue to function with the same feelings that gratified them so long ago. Tiebout says that "when infantile traits continue into adulthood, the person is spoken of as immature" and this immaturity is tied to the traits of feelings of omnipotence, inability to accept frustrations, and doing things hurriedly.'
King Babies share a wide range of personality traits. None of us has all of these traits, but we will probably find many that describe us. King Babies may show these characteristics:
1. often become angry at or afraid of authority figures and will attempt to work them against each other in order to get their own way
2. seek approval and frequently lose their own identities in the process
3. are able to make a good first impression but are unable to follow through
4. have difficulty accepting personal criticism and become threatened and angry when criticized
5. have addictive personalities and are driven to extremes
6. are self-rejecting or self-alienated
7. are often immobilized by anger and frustration and are rarely satisfied
8. are usually lonely even when surrounded by people 9. are chronic complainers who blame others for what's wrong with their lives
10. feel unappreciated and think they don't fit in
11. see the world as a jungle filled with selfish people who "aren't there" for them
12. see everything as a catastrophe, a life-and-death situation
13. judge life in absolutes: black or white, right or wrong
14. live in the past while fearful of the future
15. have strong feelings of dependence and exaggerated fears of abandonment
16. fear failure and rejection and don't try new things that they might not do well
17. are obsessed with money and material things
18. dream big plans and schemes and have little ability to make them happen
19. cannot tolerate illness in themselves or others
20. prefer to charm superiors and intimidate subordinates
21. believe rules and laws are for others, not for themselves
22. often become addicted to excitement, life in the fast lane
23. hold emotional pain within and lose touch with their feelings

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